About Us
This blog is the sister website to the Journal of Language and Politics, where we will publish short pieces relating to academic articles, special issues, book reviews, current events and more, emerging from the focus of the journal. We aim for it to provide a space for reflection and the deepening of themes covered in JLP, where we can further probe the intersections between language and politics. Please get in touch if you have questions or wish to contribute!
Journal of Language and Politics
The Journal of Language and Politics (JLP) represents an interdisciplinary and critical forum for analysing and discussing the various dimensions in the interplay between language and politics. It is located at the intersection of several social science disciplines including communication and media research, linguistics, discourse studies, political science, political sociology or political psychology. It focuses mainly on empirically-founded research on the role of language and wider communication in all social processes and dynamics that can be deemed as political. Its focus is therefore not limited to the ’institutional’ field of politics or to the traditional channels of political communication but extends to a wide range of social fields, actions and media (incl. traditional and online) where political and politicised ideas are linguistically and discursively constructed and communicated.